Join us for the Second Annual Innovations in CVI: Navigating Teams & Transitions Conference
October 3 & 4, 2024 in Pittsburg, PA

Cortical Visual Impairment: My Calling
Welcome to the CVI Resources Website. I offer this site in response to families and professionals who have asked for a reliable method to contact me for information or support regarding children with visual impairment/CVI.
I have been working in the field of visual impairment since 1973, first as an itinerant teacher and O&M specialist in the public schools and later, in university settings preparing future teachers of the visually impaired. My training in medically fragile, high-risk infants led me to develop a parallel career as an infant development specialist in a neonatal intensive care setting.
My understanding of children with CVI is a result of the joining of my work in both educational and medical settings. I feel fortunate to have had such enriching experiences and to have found myself in a position to offer information and assistance to my fellow educators and to families of children with visual impairment/CVI.