(Roman-Lantzy, 2007, 2018)
A question I am asked frequently is, “How do we apply CVI principles across the day?”. The answer is almost always the same. I suggest application of a CVI Schedule. The CVI Schedule is a method to systematically integrate CVI adaptations and methods with routines of the day. The CVI Schedule can be applied to practices of home, school, or both. The development of a CVI Schedule is intended to be a team effort, not a solo effort, but must have a team leader who can ensure the reliability of the content.
The structure of a CVI Schedule should include time/routine of the day, CVI characteristics to be targeted within the activity, CVI accommodations used to provide visual access to the activity, specialized instructional methods that support interpretation of visual materials, environments, or social encounters.
Too often, I am told that the educational staff do not need the crutch of a CVI Schedule, that they are professionals and are certain that they know how to support their student with CVI without a CVI Schedule. I congratulate those providers for their confidence, but I worry that the fidelity and frequency of supports will drift over time. This is especially likely when the vision professionals are working in a consultative model or are unable to be a daily presence in the classroom or home. The CVI Schedule can serve as a method that continuously speaks for the needs of the child regardless of the nature of the frequency of service delivery.
The following tips can be used to construct a meaningful CVI Schedule.
- Start with a few segments of the day and add additional content progressively
- The CVI Schedule “lead” person should be the person with the greatest knowledge of CVI
- Parents are always participants in the development of the CVI Schedule
- The CVI Schedule includes activities associated with therapies including OT, PT, Speech, feeding, O&M or any support services
- Photos can be added to the CVI Schedule to clarify adaptations
- The CVI Schedule must be adapted when routines change and/or when CVI Range scores change
- The CVI Schedule must be posted within accessible area(s) of the sites of implementation
- The CVI Schedule is NOT a schedule of routines used by the student; it is intended for the adults who support the student across the day.