- Build consistent visual behavior for students who rarely use or do not rely on their vision.
- Design interventions to increase a student’s visual attention for longer and more frequent periods of time.
- Control sensory stimulus within the environment that may compete and/or distract from a student using their vision.

In this phase, Miles learns to use his vision in a highly controlled environment, with carefully selected materials. This area of the classroom is free from visual and auditory distractions (reduced visual and sensory complexity), and Ms. Caitlin uses light and movement (moving flashlight) to draw Miles’ visual attention to the target. Miles has just listened to a book about getting ready for school and now he is looking at real objects that go along with the book. Ms Caitlin is shining a light on a single-colored washcloth and giving him plenty of time to look at the object before she talks about it.
The Phases of CVI
The CVI Range is a measure used to determine the degree of impact of the visual and behavioral characteristics. The scores on The CVI Range span across three Phases, or segments correlated with progress across the zero-ten continuum. Each Phase has an overarching theme. The ultimate goal is to achieve levels of functional vision associated with Phase III.
- The CVI Range provides a measurement of the level of CVI described by number values and and Phases (I, II, III).
- The results of The CVI Range can be used to describe the functional vision of the individual with CVI.
- The CVI Range provides a common standard of language used by parents and providers who are considering the needs of a diverse population of individuals with CVI. In other words, when an individual with CVI is described as having CVI Range scores of 4 to 4.5, others who are familiar with The CVI Range can anticipate the general level of the 10 characteristics and recognize that the individual with CVI is in early Phase II CVI.
- Scores obtained on The CVI Range are used to determine the level and type of adaptations and interventions used in programming for individuals with CVI.
- The CVI Range terminology provides a framework that can be used to describe the strengths and needs of individuals with CVI. Though individuals with CVI span a broad spectrum of intellectual, motor, language, and social abilities, they share a common thread of the presence of the CVI characteristics.