A Parent’s Perspective on The CVI Range
The CVI Range gave me such insight into how my son experiences the world and how his vision impacts every facet of his life. As a result, the CVI range has made me a more observant, patient, and responsive parent. It has changed how I interact with him, how I help him learn, and how I assist him in interacting and experiencing the world in a far more impactful way. There are no words for such a gift!
…the CVI Range has made me a more observant, patient, and responsive parent.
a parent’s perspective on the
impact of the CVI Range
An Advocate’s Perspective on The CVI Range
The CVI Range is the only evaluation instrument that can provide both parents and educators alike real insight into the visual strengths and challenges of a student with CVI. IDEA requires LEAs to determine the unique strengths and weaknesses of each student as they pertain to their area of eligibility. The CVI Range elucidates this and serves as a meaningful and measurable guide post for IEP teams.
The CVI Range elucidates [strengths and weakness] and serves as a meaningful and measurable guide post for IEP teams.
An Advocate’s Perspective on the
impact of the CVI RAnge
A Teacher’s Perspectives of The CVI Range
A Parent’s Perspective on The CVI Range
I love the CVI Range for so many reasons but, above all else, it provides us with a baseline from which we can gauge progress. Rarely are present levels provided in IEPs and the CVI Range gives a full and clear picture of CVI’s present impact on your student. These scores can then be readily translated to the appropriate sections of the IEP and allows IEP teams to devise authentically ambitious goals and meaningful access to an education for these students.
It provides us with a baseline from which we can gauge progress.
a parent’s perspective on the
impact of the CVI RANGE
A Parent’s Perspective on The CVI Range
“The CVI Range has been absolutely fundamental in our family’s CVI journey. It is the lense through which we think about all the activities, adaptations, materials and support needed to give my daughter the greatest opportunity to access her surroundings visually. It has given us a clearer insight into her world and put into language the intuitive feelings we have always had, allowing us to share with others how to best provide targeted and appropriate support and avoid misinterpreting her behavior / cognitive ability. It is wonderful to see how my daughter has progressed through the CVI Range since we started using it and I really can’t imagine what we would have done without it.”
[The CVI Range] put into language the intuitive feelings we have always had, allowing us to share with others how to best provide targeted and appropriate support & avoid misinterpreting her behavior / cognitive ability.
a parent’s perspective on the
impact of the CVI RANGE